St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Hartford, CT

Help Us Fight George’s Cancer Together
Click the button below to donate to the GoFundMe Page.

Stewardship 2024
Click the button below to learn more about our parish’s Stewardship Program.

Religious Education
Now in session!
Religious Education begins at 9:45 AM on Sunday with the start of Divine Liturgy. Register any time, we look forward to seeing you!

Join Our Cathedral
Get updated on all the news and information about our parish by subscribing to our parish’s email list.

St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral
“Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” – Romans 15:7 Through this web site, we are pleased to be able to introduce you to the worship and fellowship as expressed in the life of our Church. If you are a steward of our parish, or are considering joining our community, these web pages will acquaint you with what our parish offers. We pray that you will enjoy learning more about the Orthodox Church and our parish and welcome you to join us in worship as we continue our Journey of Faith. We hope the information on this site will provide you with daily inspiration to follow the commandments of God as we all strive to seek salvation and live life in the Light of the Resurrection of Christ.

St. George Cathedral Hartford Streaming Service
We are grateful to be able to provide this link to the liturgical life of our Cathedral. Please click play below to begin viewing the live broadcast of our liturgical services. Click on the expand button for full screen. All services can be viewed live. Please see our Schedule of Services below for dates and times. Our parish’s live broadcasts continue to reach thousands of individuals and households each week. Please consider donating to our parish to help us defray the costs of these live broadcasts.

Ages Initiative Digital Chant Stand
Follow along in Greek and English. Liturgy, music and more!
Schedule of Services
Sundays: Orthros (Matins): 8:30 AM | Divine Liturgy: 9:30 AM
Weekdays: Orthros (Matins): 9:30 AM | Divine Liturgy: 10:30 AM
Join Our
Mailing List
General Donations
For general donations via PayPal, please click the donate button.

Online Chapel
Photius the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.
Upcoming Events
February 2025
Friday February 7
- 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
- GOYA Dance (Stamford)
Saturday February 8
- 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
- Greek School
- 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
- AHEPA Annual Valentine’s Dance
Sunday February 9
- 8:45 am – 9:45 am
- Orthros
- 9:45 am – 10:45 am
- Divine Liturgy