Orthodox Wedding Information
Stewardship Commitments for those Who Wish to Schedule Weddings
Congratulations on your engagement! We are delighted that you are planning your wedding at the Cathedral of St. George in Hartford.
The sacrament of marriage is one of the most important steps in the lives of most Christians. It signifies your intention as a member of the Body of Christ to form a new Christian household and to grow in the Orthodox faith. It is also a reaffirmation of your commitment to Christ’s Holy Church. We are eager for you to become active participants in our liturgical and communal life. Nothing is more fulfilling, both spiritually and personally! Nothing will provide a better foundation for your lives together!
Marriage Paperwork
Baptism Certificate of Bride
Baptism Certificate of Groom
Verification of church membership for koumbari (all koumbari must be Orthodox, and if married – must have been married in an Orthodox church) – if married in the Orthodox Church and divorced, must have Ecclesiastical Divorce from the Orthodox Church. If they are stewards of St. George their pledge/commitment must be completed and if they are members of another church, verification of membership to be faxed to me at 860-956-1377 with a notation of wedding date and name of bride and groom so that I can match the paperwork with the proper couple.
Completed Affidavit for License to Marry (all copies to be returned).
Copy of the marriage certificate which you procure from town hall.
Stewardship payment for current year (yr. of wedding) – see “Stewardship Commitments” paperwork enclosed for details).
Church opening fee.
Call church to schedule rehearsal time and date
- Call directly if you wish services of an organist.
If Divorced:
Copy of legal divorce
(if married in the Greek Church – Ecclesiastical divorce paperwork)
Freedom to Marry – For individuals who have been born outside of the USA and have immigrated at 18 years of age or older – or who have come to CT from another community at 18 years of age or older “Freedom to Marry” paperwork must be procured from local parish in Greece or former community or any other foreign country stating individual was not previously married.
IMPORTANT: Please call the church office to make an appointment with Fr. George (956-7586) – 2 months prior to your wedding to go over any details you wish to discuss with him.
The Ceremony
The Sacrament of Marriage
The wedding ceremony of the Greek Orthodox Church is an ancient and meaningful service that has been celebrated in its present form for centuries. The service is abundant with symbols that reflect marriage: love, mutual respect, equality and sacrifice.
The ceremony consists of two parts which are distinct and separate from each other: The service of the Betrothal and the Ceremony of the Sacrament of Marriage. Everything in the ceremony has a special meaning and significance, especially the repetition of each act three times to symbolize and to invoke the mystical presence of the Holy Trinity. The Wedding begins as the white candles are handed to The Bride and The Groom. These candles symbolize their spiritual willingness to receive Christ.
The Service of Betrothal
Petitions are chanted for the spiritual welfare of the couple. The highlight during this service is the exchanging of the rings. The priest then blesses the rings. He holds them in his right hand, and making the sign of the cross over their heads, he betroths the servants of God, The Bride to The Groom. The rings are then placed on their right hands, for it is the right hand of God that blesses, it was the right hand of God to which Christ ascended, and it is also to the right that those who will inherit the eternal life will ascend.
The koumbaro (religious sponsor) then exchanges the rings three times. The exchange signifies that in married life, the weakness of one partner will be compensated by the strength of the other, the imperfections of one, by the perfection of the other. By themselves, the newly betrothed are incomplete, but together they are made perfect. The rite of the betrothal ends with the priest praying for betrothal of mutual promise, officially given before the church, may prove in true faith, concord and love.
The Ceremony of the Sacrament of Marriage
The ceremony consists of petitions, prayers, the crowning, readings from the New Testament, the offering of the common cup, the circling of the ceremonial table and the benediction. At the conclusion of the prayers, the priest joins the hands of The Bride and The Groom. The hands are kept joined until the end of the service to symbolize the union and the oneness of the couple.
The Crowning
This is the focal point of the marriage ceremony. The crowns are signs of the glory and honor with which God crowns them during the sacrament. The wedding crowns (stefana) are joined by a ribbon which again symbolizes the unity of the couple and the presence of Christ who blesses and joins the couple and establishes them as the King and Queen of their home, which they will rule with wisdom, justice and integrity. The priest takes the two crowns and blesses The Bride and The Groom, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and then places the crowns on them. The Koumbaro then steps behind The Bride and The Groom and interchanges the crowns three times as a witness to the sealing of the union.
The Common Cup
The rite of crowning is followed by the reading of the Epistle and the Gospel. The Gospel reading describes the marriage at Cana of Galilee which was attended and blessed by Christ and for which He reserved His first miracle. There He converted the water into wine and gave if it to the newlyweds. In remembrance of this blessing, wine is given the couple. This is the “common cup” of life denoting the mutual sharing of joy and sorrow, the token of a life of harmony. The drinking of wine from the common cup serves to impress upon the couple that from that moment on they will share everything in life, joys, as well as sorrows, and that they are to “bear one another’s burdens.” Their joys will be doubled and their sorrows halved because they will be shared.
The Ceremonial Walk
The priest then leads The Bride and The Groom in a circle around the table on which are placed the Gospel and the Cross, the one containing the word of God, the other being the symbol of our redemption by Jesus. The Bride and The Groom are taking their first steps as a married couple, and the church, in the person of the priest, leads them in the way they must walk. The way is symbolized by the circle at the center of which are the Gospel and the cross of our Lord. This expresses the fact that the way of Christian living is a perfect orbit around the center of life, who is Jesus Christ our Lord.
During this ceremonial walk around the table a hymn is sung to the Holy Martyrs reminding the newly married couple of the sacrificial love they are to have for each other in marriage – a love that seeks not its own but is willing to sacrifice its all for the one loved.
The Removal of the Crowns
At the conclusion of the Ceremonial Walk, the priest removes the crowns from The Bride and The Groom and beseeches God to grant to the newlyweds a long, happy and fruitful life together. He then lifts up the Gospel and separates their joined hands reminding them that only God can separate the couple form one another.
Koumbaro or Koumbara
Being asked to be the Koumbaro or Koumbara is a great honor in the Greek Orthodox faith. It is not necessary for the koumbaroi to be Greek; however, they have to belong to the Christian Orthodox faith. The Koumbaro/a is the person who, among other responsibilities, exchanges the crowns three times of the wedding couple during the ceremony. He/She is required to be a member in good standing with a Greek Orthodox Church and is also responsible for providing the following items for the special day:
- Stefana (the wedding crowns)
- Two Lambades (specially decorated candles)
- Wedding tray (usually silver) decorated with rice and koufeta (see below)
- Gratuities to the Priest, Canter and Sexton
- In most cases, the koumbaro/a also provides the wedding favors (boubounierres).
Koufetta, the Greek name for Jordan almonds, are placed on the wedding tray along with the wedding stefana. This tray is also decorated with rice. Sometimes, the wrapped koufetta are tied onto a wedding favor, also called a boubounierre. Incidentally, odd numbers of koufetta are used in the favors because odd numbers are indivisible, symbolizing how the wedding couple stand as one and share everything. The general significance the Jordan almond is that fresh almonds have a bittersweet taste, which represents life. The sugarcoating is added with the hope that the married couple’s life will be more sweet than bitter.
To request a date for marriage, you may call the office (860) 956-7586